Connecting to the third-party network cameras with up to 5 Megapixels resolution.
Independent PoE network interfaces are provided.
HDMI/VGA output at up to 1920×1080P resolution.
Support live view, storage and playback of video at 5.0 Megapixel resolution. all rightreserved 16 independent PoE network interfaces are provided.
Support Channel-zero encoding.
Zooming in for any area when playback.
Playing reversely.
Adverse Playback for Multi-channel.
Realize instant playback for assigned channel during multi-channel display mode.
Digital zoom in live view and playback mode.
Up to 16-ch synchronous playback at 4CIF resolution.
NVR (Network Video Recorder) atau NVR Infinity digunakan untuk menghubung antara CCTV dengan Monitor, NVR Infinity perekam yang berbasis protokol internet, digunakan sebagai media penyimpan rekaman segala aktifitas yang ditangkap oleh IP Camera. Distribusi video/gambar ditranfer melalui di jaringan (network). Perangkat berbasis IP, NVR dapat dikelola secara remote melalui LAN atau melalui Internet sehingga memberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih besar. NVR CCTV Infinity tersedia hanya di Distributor CCTV Mallnya CCTV Infinity Terlengkap, Terpercaya dan Bergaransi Resmi
Kenapa harus pasang CCTV?
Pelaku kriminal akan mengurungkan niat bila sasaran ada CCTV
Berguna mengawasi kegiatan usaha anda,dimanapun anda berada
Dengan cctv bisa meningkatkan produktivitas karyawan
CCTV berguna untuk menunjang penyelidikan tindak kriminal
Rekaman CCTV bisa dijadikan barang bukti tindak kriminal
Produk asli dengan harga terjamin langsung dari Brand
Ragam dan variasi produk yang lengkap dan berkualitas
Garansi resmi semua produk
Tim teknisi yang handal, professional dan berpengalaman
Pemasangan dan instalasi rapih dan kokoh
Berpengalaman menangani ratusan proyek pemerintah dan swasta nasional.
Berbadan hukum (PT) dan alamat kantor / toko jelas
Connecting to the third-party network cameras with up to 5 Megapixels resolution.
Independent PoE network interfaces are provided.
HDMI/VGA output at up to 1920×1080P resolution.
Support live view, storage and playback of video at 5.0 Megapixel resolution. all rightreserved 16 independent PoE network interfaces are provided.
Support Channel-zero encoding.
Zooming in for any area when playback.
Playing reversely.
Adverse Playback for Multi-channel.
Realize instant playback for assigned channel during multi-channel display mode.
Digital zoom in live view and playback mode.
Up to 16-ch synchronous playback at 4CIF resolution.
> 4 / 8 / 16 channel IP Camera Input > H.265/H.264 codec decoding > Max 80Mbps Incoming Bandwidth > Up to 8MP Resolution for Preview and Playback > HDMI/VGA simultaneous video output > Support ANR technology to enhance the storage reliability when the network break down
> H.265/H.264 codec decoding > Max 80Mbps Incoming Bandwidth > Up to 8MP Resolution for Preview and Playback > HDMI/VGA simultaneous video output > Support ANR technology to enhance the storage reliability when the network break down
> 4 / 8 / 16 channel IP Camera Input > H.265/H.264 codec decoding > Max 80Mbps Incoming Bandwidth > Up to 8MP Resolution for Preview and Playback > HDMI/VGA simultaneous video output > Support ANR technology to enhance the storage reliability when the network break down